Sexgrinch's Blog

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Conversations with Mr. Grinch March 22, 2010

Filed under: 1 — sexgrinch @ 10:52 PM

We recently put a ban on eating food in our basement.  This was due to a thorough cleaning of our carpets after several disasters. 

I simply cannot obey this rule.  I’ve grown up eating on the couch in front of the TV.  It is as horrible as it sounds.

Mr. Grinch:  (Pointing at glass) What’s this?

Me:   (innocent look)

MG:  What happened to not eating downstairs?

Me:  (innocent look/shoulder shrug)

MG:  I know it’s yours, because it’s not mine.

Me:  (innocent look)

MG:  If I catch you downstairs with food again I’m locking up the refrigerator.

Me:  (blank stare)

MG:  I’m serious.  I’m getting sick of this.

Me:  (blank stare)

MG:  Nice having this conversation with you… (turns around to take glass upstairs)

Me:  (devilish grin)


2 Responses to “Conversations with Mr. Grinch”

  1. Jen Says:

    So, you’re married to my husband too?!? Is that even legal?

    Stopping by from SITS, have a great day.

  2. Wait I’m confused you weren’t eating you were drinking right? So if the bans on food, does that include drink to? Maybe it’s just to early and I need more coffee to understand.

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